Tragedy on Friday night. My Crusader Miniatures, Austrian general miniatures arrived today. When I opened the package the general on horse back waving his hat had a completely flat pig nose. This was the mini I was most excited about painting. I wonder if I can send the one miniature back so I can paint the standing figure or if I will need to send them all back in order to get a new pack. I am not that pleased with Old Glory right now. When I ordered the figs I received a message on my answering machine saying that the expiration date I put in for my credit card 09-09 was past expiration, unless they are from the future this is impossible. Once that was straightened out the status on my order did not change from pending, so I was not certain when it shipped and then when the figs arrived one of the figures is
misshapen. I will publish a picture of the figure when I get the camera from work next week. I am pretty forgiving and as long as they send me the figure without having to pay a bunch of postage I will be happy. As far as the figures that were correct they are very nice and well proportioned . They do not have many folds in the cloth so they will take a little extra effort to paint but I am excited about painting some larger figs. I usually order through and they do a pretty good job. I am itching to paint one of the other miniatures but I am afraid I will need to send them all back to get a new blister. So I will postpone painting the minis until I contact Old Glory to see about their return policy.
On a flag design note I emailed David from Not by Appointment and sent him some preliminary drawings of the
Cavenderia Regimental and
Leib battalion standards. I look forward to seeing what he can do with them.
This weekend is Char Con in Charleston, West Virginia and I am going this Sunday. The Con is ran by The
Kanawha Riflemen a nice bunch of guys and I look forward to seeing their Gettysburg 15mm game. I will try and get some pictures. Last year I meat Dean
Rapp who is a gaming terrain
distributor, I found out he was into
AWI and I sent him a bunch of Jeff
Valiant studio 15mm figs I had lying around for some Karma points.
Oh well rambling on tonight. Will keep everyone posted on how Old Glory deals with the mini.