I have not posted in a while so I thought I would give a quick update. I have ordered a coach from http://www.scalecreep.com/catalog/ but it has not arrived yet. Since the SYW Convention I have not had time to paint anything except a few Anatolian Djellis skin tones. I have had a bit of free time to read over Biles and Pengel and Hurts volumes on the Reichsarmee a.k.a. Imperial Army a.k.a. Army of the Circles. Having chosen 15mm for my Cavenderians I have quite a few 10mm Infantry and Cavalry laying around I may paint these up as the Reichsarmee Upper and Lower Rhine Circles. After the way my Bavarians fled the battle field in my first Big Battalions game I also thought a Reichsarmee battalion or two might be my project for next years SYW convention. Finally, I have to get some painting done on my diplomat figures and get Jean-Louis Diplomat sent out, sorry have not been to the post office yet. Most of my time now is being spent on house improvement projects but I hope to get a few minis painted next week while holed up in a hotel room in Columbus.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
SYW Convention, a roller-coaster of emotions
As the title denotes this trip truly was a roller-coaster of emotions. My wife and I finished packing things up on Thursday. We found a room rate on-line that saved us $20 so Huzzah. We left Friday morning and headed for South Bend. Around Kokomo, Indiana we ran into a detour that added an hour to our trip, Boo, but that is ok, the Duchess Scenario was scheduled for the evening game so I was pretty certain we would make it. We checked into the hotel at about 5:30 p.m. and were given free parking for signing up for Holiday Inn Rewards, Hurrah, I did a quick change grabbed my Duchess figure and headed for the hall. I was informed that the Duchess game had been moved and played earlier in the day, Boo.
You can make out most of the Cavenderian diplomat to Hesse-Seewald he is in the gray coat and yellow small cloth, behind the nicely painted British.
This convention is quite different, the median age appears to be about 50 and alcohol was drank freely by the players, a gentlemanly atmosphere indeed, Huzzah. When I arrived I noted several gentlemen in coat and tie and so the following day I wore my Sunday's best.
Next morning I got dressed, tie and coat, collected my 28mm Bavarian battalion and headed down to the convention floor to play the BYOB game. I stopped by the vendors tables and saw a bag of 15mm Jacobite Scots and a book on the 1745 Rebellion and decided I would pick those up later after the game, I met some more folks and took some photos of the games.
Here is a photo of some beautifully painted 54mm Hussars included in a skirmish game ran by a fellow named Paul, I believe if wrong sorry. He told me they were using the Brother vs. Brother rules-set. I later found out he was a founding member of Venture Miniatures and is currently working on a set of rules with Brent Nosworthy author of Anatomy of Victory.
Then the beginning of turn 2.
As I had not eaten all day and my battalions were not in a crucial position for the scenario we ducked out a little early for dinner and went to a great Irish pub for Shepard's pie, Huzzah. Before we left though I stopped by the main room to pick up the Jacobites and the 1745 book and the vendor had left, Boo. Almost forgot I got to meet Travlos in person from the Morea blog. Really nice guy and I look forward to doing battle with him in the future. Final thoughts, the convention is a really unique and fun experience and I would highly recommend any of you that can attend try to do so next year. Back to painting 15mm Ottomans for now.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Off to South Bend
I am preparing to depart for the SYW Convention this weekend in South Bend, Indiana. Putting the final touches on my Bring Your Own Battalion (BYOB) regiment. Having seen the scenario for the battle (English vs. French) I suppose the Bavarians will end up on the side of the French. Although my battalion IR-Kurprinz 1/2 was in the Austrian Axillary Army contingents of Bavaria fought in the Reichs Army that supported the French vs. Hanoverian in the SYW so would make sense. I am also finishing the Duchess figure for the mysterious lady scenario DAF is running Friday night. She is the black scorpion miniature (the governor's daughter) and after the convention will be shipped to Jean-Louis as my Cavenderian diplomat to Monte-Cristo. She is wearing a fairly bright pinkish-violet dress which is out of character for the duchess in her highwayman's garb, however the scenario takes place in the middle of the night and I am assuming this will be her night time attire. I will also have some Cavenderian diplomats with me to hand out to various imagination rulers. The wife is going with me and will be visiting friends in the area so it should be a nice time for both of us. I finished submitting photographs to Dadi @ Piambo and my article should be published sometime after May in their spring edition, I am interested in seeing my article translated into Italian. Mark from Scale Creep called and said that my Hallmark chariot miniature has not arrived yet so may still be a couple of weeks before it will arrive and I can run my first official Cavenderia scenario. Scale Creep is in Cincinnati, Ohio and we are going to be travelling through there on our return trip so I may stop by the store. I am taking my camera and planning on posting many pictures of the convention when I return. I will not have a lap top with me on the trip so the earliest pictures will be next Tuesday. I only hope that my Bavarians maintain a modicum of bravery in their initial outing. Finally here is a picture of me during the Hurricane Katrina response, if you see this guy at the convention please introduce yourself.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Loose lips sink ships..

The captain heard voices and turned from the ruined building to see some of his crew returning to the ship, his boson, Amilcare Campari, had a body slung over his shoulder, this was not in itself an unusual site aboard the Sagirratario, sailors who drank too much were often carried back to the ship by their mates, however the captain did not recognize the man en tow, which made him very pleased.
Boson Campari steadied himself holding onto a rope and ascended the gang plank , upon reaching the deck he dumped the body at the captains feet.
“Is this a present for me?” the captain said in a playful voice.
Captain Greco could smell rum on his boson’s breath as he spoke, “Aye, cap, is a man what not knows when to shut his trap.”
Greco took a closer look at the young sailor, blue vest and pants with a yellow sash, “Get him below decks so we can finish this task” the captain barked. The sailor was again hoisted on shoulder and taken to the officers' mess.
“Wake him up”, a bucket of cold water was liberally applied to the sailor’s head, who gasped and looked about disoriented.
The sailor jostled in his seat, bound by ropes and questioned, “Where am I? Campari is this a joke?” “
I will ask the questions, lad” the captain leaned into the lamp light. “What is your name and why are you here?”
“My name is Iephthae, I am a carpenter on the ship Maria-Louisa, what is this about?”
“Just answer my questions and everything will be over soon enough.” said the captain. “What do you know of the Buccaneer Ducas?”
Iepthae glanced about nervously ,”he is a pirate, captured by the Dey, he was released to my captain two days ago, the people of Bizerrca hate him and his release caused a riot in the market,!”
The captain took a drink from his cup,“Very good, when will your ship depart?”
Iepthae’s eyes grew wider, “I do not know, I am just a carpenter! Please let me go!”
Captain Greco threw the rum into Iepthae’s face, “You had best think hard, your life hangs in the balance!”
Iepthae’s eyes burnt and he could feel cold steel against his throat, “wait, wait!! I think I heard the first mate say that the Maria-Louisa would depart after the Archbishop presents his gifts to the Dey!!” Tears began to stream down the poor carpenter’s face.
“Where are they keeping Ducas?”
Iepthae surveyed the situation, perhaps he could barter for his life, “If I tell you will you let me live and be a part of your crew?”
An eternity passed then Captain Greco let loose of Iepthae’s hair and tossed the dagger to Campari. “Enterprising, I like that in a crewman, what can you tell me?”
“Ducas is being held in the aft hold of the ship, being watched by a Janissary guard, but that is not all. Morea has ships in Taranto, the Maria-Louisa will set out to meet them before heading home.”
Captain Greco turned to his bosun, “Campari, introduce Mr. Iephthae to our most important crew member.” With a lightning fast movement Campari buried the dagger hilt-deep into the Morean sailor’s chest.
“Have the cook clean up this mess, we need to get word to Captain Sanuto in Susah!"
Captain Greco turned and looked at the dead carpenter, "don't you worry much Mr. Iaphthae you're mates will be joining you soon enough!"
Monday, March 9, 2009
Cavenderian Colors and update
As Cavenderia has developed there have been a few changes to the uniforms and history of the imagi-nation. Conceptually Cavenderia was located in Northern Europe, very catholic and very European i.e. (Hapsburg). However, through correspondence with other imagi-nation rulers, Cavenderia's ultimate location was decided to be located along the Adriatic on the Dalmatian coast. This location has lent itself to my re-evaluating Cavenderian military attire and army composition, adding more elements of "exotic" troops, Hungarian infantry, hussars, grenzer and pandours. The other inhabitants of the Adriatic have provided us with great fiction and campaign ideas, (Morea, Venicia and the Deylicate) and allowed me to paint even more varied troops, Bashi -bazouks, sekhans and my newly arrived Dejllis. I would like to take a moment to thank the other imagi-nation rulers for their input and creativity, this includes those who have contributed uniform, fictional and crafting help as well as inspiration and general friendship. All that being said the Cavenderia's Leib standard needs a change. I am still using the iconography however I am making a color scheme change.
The original Cavenderian Leib standard, the blue and yellow checkered pattern was a tribute to Bavaria, the original nation I was going to mimic with Cavenderia.
Now that Cavenderia is in Croatia, I took a look at the Croatian flag and Huzzah there is a checkered pattern in their flag as well.
So I have made a color change to the Leib standard as a nod to the region that the fictional Cavenderia would be found in, Croatia. I think I even like the red better than the previous Cavenderian blue. This change will only be reflected in the Leib standard and will not effect the uniforms, mainly because I do not paint red that well and have already established units with the blue coats. I am still toying with the idea of replacing the yellow ribbon with a light blue coloring.
In painting news, I spent Sunday painting all of the eyes and flesh on my 28mm Bavarians and worked on the Mysterious lady for the SYW Convention game. I also base-coated the Anatolian Sekhans and Anatolian Dejllis so some Bizerrcan elements will be pictured soon.

In painting news, I spent Sunday painting all of the eyes and flesh on my 28mm Bavarians and worked on the Mysterious lady for the SYW Convention game. I also base-coated the Anatolian Sekhans and Anatolian Dejllis so some Bizerrcan elements will be pictured soon.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March in like a lion (Ladik Hussars 15mm)
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