My friends Mike and Keenan were there and I made a few new friends and some possible future opponents. The con is mostly board games and card games but there were some miniatures as well. To the left is a photo of a nice D-day Flames of War game presented by the Kanawha Riflemen gaming club.

Primordial Soup, you are in control of a bunch of amoebas and watch them evolve, fun game but with not much replayability.
I picked up some old Wargames Illustrated magazines, I have been bitten by the Colonial Bug, (thanks Steve and Steve :))and spoke with some great people. I ran an American Civil War game a couple of years ago and am planning to run a Seven Years War game next year.

I ran into some old friends as well Gary, from the hobby store Danzig Corridor located in Ashland, Kentucky and some gaming friends from the old Huntington Store.
Here is a link to the official web-site.
http://www.charcon.org/ I am sure you can find out much more information there.

I have been painting a little and hope to get some pictures of Cavenderi Regiment Christy up soon.
On a personal note I have lost about 20 pounds and am thinking of starting a new blog about the first Mahdist War.