I have been Columbus on business the past two weeks and sorely missed our imagination groups. I am home now and am looking forward to building my coach and painting up some 15mm men this week. While out of town I picked up two (2) boxes of Zvezda plastic army men, the infantry of Peter the Great. I will be painting them up to play as an imagination in my friend Ray's campaign with his new generic soldier rules. They are very nice figs for 72nd scale plastic and at 48 figures for $8.00 USD very affordable. I look forward to posting more often and getting some pictures up. I really must get to painting up some more diplomats and sending Jean's ambassador to France. I have been reading several others blogs and looks as if things are going well for most of our band of imagination players. Look forward to posting more often in May.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hallmark Coach
My hallmark coach arrived from scalecreep miniatures yesterday. I have my camera this week but no way to download until next week, I will be in Columbus, Ohio for the week. Look forward to assembling and painting it prior to the Reich Dukes visit. Spent an enjoyable evening last night play testing a set of rules my friend Ray is writing. The rules will cover ancients to Colonial. Ray originally wrote the rules because he had so many 1/72nd sets of miniatures he would pick up on a whim and wanted to generate a system to use them all. It is a nice game, troops deteriorate throughout the game starting fresh and slowly become exhausted. There is no turn sequence with each side activating a couple of units then back to the other side. As you activate units they become fatigued, disordered, etc. Anyway, had a great time, good snacks and good friends to play with. I will try and get some pictures of the new coach and some of the anatolian sekhans and dellis I have been working on. Short post tonight as I am quite tired from working around the house all day. Hope everyone is doing well.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Do ask for Dukas...

Greco took a breath, lingering in the smell of the powder. The crew let out a cheer and one poor powder monkey whispered a prayer thanking whatever gods, that his hand holding the shattered remnants of a water pitcher was whole.
The crew was a chorus of praise, “Fine shot keyptan! Do it again skipper! What a beautiful gun!” and it was a beautiful gun, ivory handle, etched barrel, embelished gold, the pistol and several like it had been given to the Venecian captains to entice them to rescue Dukas and today, at least this pistol would be put to that task.
“Enough yapping, get ready to earn your keep!” Greco rubbed the pistol with a tea cloth and reloaded the weapon. He moved to the forecastle and removed a spyglass from his coat.
The trap was set, his or the Moreans was to be determined. The Sagittario had rendezvoused with Captain Sanuto and the Zeffiro, as expected. What was not expected was the small flotilla of Barbary Xebecs that accompanied the Zeffiro.
When the two captains met briefly the evening before, a dismissive Captain Sanuto explained, “My curious captain, the Xebecs were hired to give us support and confuse the enemy, you needn’t worry about their loyalty, they are paid by me!”
“Paid to make sure you are the only captain to return Dukas”, Greco thought, but they would supply fodder if the Maria-Louisa was accompanied.
The small flotilla was in line with the Sanuto to the far left, one Xebec, the Sagittario and finally two more Xebecs. The line would run perpendicular to the Maria-Louisa’s course.
Greco snapped open the spyglass as a sailer shouted, “Ship to starboard!”
“Paid to make sure you are the only captain to return Dukas”, Greco thought, but they would supply fodder if the Maria-Louisa was accompanied.
The small flotilla was in line with the Sanuto to the far left, one Xebec, the Sagittario and finally two more Xebecs. The line would run perpendicular to the Maria-Louisa’s course.
Greco snapped open the spyglass as a sailer shouted, “Ship to starboard!”
“Three Xebecs and a couple of gun ships?, this can not be beneficial to our cause,” thought his lordship, La Chevalier De’Corfu
“Captain Valieri, I have a confidence in your ability to protect us and our cargo should this rag-tag flotilla prove hostile”
Captain Valieri answered, “I have faith in our guns and crew also, my lord, the ships are not moving to intercept and have struck colors of truce, we could ignore them and try to sail around but I feel with this mediocre breeze and there smaller size they could close to engage if they wish.”
“Well I suppose we should prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”
“Agreed, my Lord, all hands full alert!”
“One of the ships is leaving the line and approaching, her name is il Sagittario!”
“Three Xebecs and a couple of gun ships?, this can not be beneficial to our cause,” thought his lordship, La Chevalier De’Corfu
“Captain Valieri, I have a confidence in your ability to protect us and our cargo should this rag-tag flotilla prove hostile”
Captain Valieri answered, “I have faith in our guns and crew also, my lord, the ships are not moving to intercept and have struck colors of truce, we could ignore them and try to sail around but I feel with this mediocre breeze and there smaller size they could close to engage if they wish.”
“Well I suppose we should prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”
“Agreed, my Lord, all hands full alert!”
“One of the ships is leaving the line and approaching, her name is il Sagittario!”
Captain Greco had won the “honor” of submitting the demands to the Morean Captain. As the two (2) ships neared Greco was impressed with the glistening guns and spotless hull.
“This ship looks new but I’d wager she’s seen her share”, he thought
Captain Greco was greeted on the deck of the Maria-Louisa, it had taken about half an hour to make his way from the Sagittario into a dingy and on board.
“I am Captain Valieri of her majesty’s ship Maria-Louisa bound for Morea, what business do you have to blockade our course?”
“I am Captain Greco and interested parties would relieve you of your cargo, one fellow named Dukas I believe.”
La Chevalier could not contain his anger at the arrogance of the statement, “you dog, you are unworthy to step your grimey boots on our nations ship yet you would challenge the will of her majesty, we carry a known traitor and thief to the royal court of Morea!! You should be murdered where you stand for such demands!!”
“Try and murder me you fop! I’ll wear your guts to supper!", Greco said with a smile.
Members of each party restrained the antagonists. Greco practically beamed when stating, “We will return to my ship with Dukas now yes? or would you prefer we come get him later?”
Captain Valieri spoke before La Chevalier could answer, “Captain Greco, return to your ship unmolested and give us some time to retrieve Dukas from the brig, I would not sacrifice my crew for an outlaw.”
Captain Greco had won the “honor” of submitting the demands to the Morean Captain. As the two (2) ships neared Greco was impressed with the glistening guns and spotless hull.
“This ship looks new but I’d wager she’s seen her share”, he thought
Captain Greco was greeted on the deck of the Maria-Louisa, it had taken about half an hour to make his way from the Sagittario into a dingy and on board.
“I am Captain Valieri of her majesty’s ship Maria-Louisa bound for Morea, what business do you have to blockade our course?”
“I am Captain Greco and interested parties would relieve you of your cargo, one fellow named Dukas I believe.”
La Chevalier could not contain his anger at the arrogance of the statement, “you dog, you are unworthy to step your grimey boots on our nations ship yet you would challenge the will of her majesty, we carry a known traitor and thief to the royal court of Morea!! You should be murdered where you stand for such demands!!”
“Try and murder me you fop! I’ll wear your guts to supper!", Greco said with a smile.
Members of each party restrained the antagonists. Greco practically beamed when stating, “We will return to my ship with Dukas now yes? or would you prefer we come get him later?”
Captain Valieri spoke before La Chevalier could answer, “Captain Greco, return to your ship unmolested and give us some time to retrieve Dukas from the brig, I would not sacrifice my crew for an outlaw.”
La Chevalier could not believe his ears, had the world gone mad, Captain Valieri would surely be tried upon their return to Morea.
“One hour, Captain to fetch Dukas after that we come take him.”, Greco said with a bow.
The Venecians departed the ship.
“One hour, Captain to fetch Dukas after that we come take him.”, Greco said with a bow.
The Venecians departed the ship.
“Do not worry my lord we shall not give up Dukas, this ploy has bought us some time to prepare, we may die but we will die fighting.”
Someone shouted, “Ships to port!!”
Someone shouted, “Ships to port!!”
Captain Valieri looked to the North and on the horizon two ships with the burgundy and gold cross of Morea. “God be praised!! We will see how brave you jackals are now!”
Captain Greco stepped onto the Sagittario “another Morean ship well this will certainly inspire them to fight, and I thought this day might be boring.”
Captain Greco stepped onto the Sagittario “another Morean ship well this will certainly inspire them to fight, and I thought this day might be boring.”
The stage is set and we now leave the fighting of the battle for the Buccaneer Dukas in the capable hands of our esteemed colleague Captain Bill, who will play out this scenario in minaiture and detail the outcome in a future blog.
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